Posted 23 June 2021 by AusGAP Certified

How to determine the right AusGAP Certified turf for your project

How to determine the right AusGAP Certified turf for your project

AusGAP understands that there is no ‘one size fits all’ when choosing a turf variety. Our certified grasses have unique characteristics that we love and are sure you will too. However, not all of these features will be the right fit for you or your project. We want you to know what to look for when purchasing a turf variety and the differences that define them.

These are the six top factors we consider when choosing a turf variety and a great place to start in understanding what you need.

  • AusGAP Certified
  • Shade Tolerance
  • Drought Tolerance
  • Maintenance
  • Wear Tolerance>
  • Budget

AusGAP Certified

Having the best quality product on the market is first on AusGAP’s agenda. We are proud of the turf varieties we have certified, and we make sure farms follow the highest turf and business standards in the industry. These practices we teach and maintain mean you get the best quality product in your turf. Having a quality product is always a major factor in any purchase, so make sure when purchasing turf, you choose quality AusGAP certified turf.

Shade Tolerance

You need to evaluate the space of your project and understand the amount of sunlight your area requiring turf receives in a day. Most shade tolerant grasses need at least three to four hours of direct sunlight a day. How much shade is covering your yard and for how much of the day? The answer to these will help determine the right fit for you.

Drought Resistance

We understand that not all projects have the same access to water. Drought resistance is something to consider with the Australian climate, as water restrictions can occasionally be a hinderance in the maintenance of your turf. Drought tolerant turf varieties stay alive and greener for a longer period under long and dry conditions. These varieties also are ideally suited to areas that do suffer from heavy water restrictions.


Maintenance levels of turf differ from variety to variety. Some grow faster than others, and the need to individually tailor lawn care depending on multiple factors. We can help choose your turf variety depending on how much time you can put in to maintain it, the weather conditions, and debris from trees or other sources that can mean more maintenance for you.

Wear Tolerance

What is the purpose for your turf? Is it your backyard? Local sporting field? School yard? These occasions sometimes require different turf varieties depending on foot traffic. If you have pets and kids, you will be looking for something that is highly durable. Installing less durable turf in high traffic areas could see your turf wear quickly and may not be the best choice of variety.


Budget is something to consider. Turf will be the foundation of your backyard. There are also landscaping costs to consider with accessibility to the site and the amount of work required at that site. Maintenance of your lawn can also be a factor on your budget. Have you got all the equipment to care for your lawn? Mowers, whipper snippers, and lawn care products are all things you might need to factor into your budget.

Ultimately when looking for turf, it is essential for your turf to be AusGAP certified. We ensure all producers of AusGAP certified turf are trained and have industry knowledge about their certified turf varieties. We are amazed at the invaluable industry knowledge that these growers are able to provide in helping make the right choice for your turf project.
